We asked you to send in your Christmas Pictures and you didn’t disappoint. Keep sending them in and we will publish as many as we possibly can!
Sent in by owner Beatrice:
Cheer up Elly May, it’s Christmas!:
Bernice and MilleMae:
Happy Birthday Stella – 1 year old on 24 December 2016:
Erin’s Basset just doesn’t want to wear that hat:
This is Mr B (Buggy) who is no longer with us. RIP Mr B:
Handsome Harvey:
Hayleigh with her new toys:
What a great hat Winston P:
Walter and Shirley visiting Santa:
Molly Sue:
Sent in by owner Tanya:
Barney and Daddy:
This cutie was sent in by owner Evy:
Kaley..and Rasco..aka bunny:
Sent in by owner Beatrice:
Just look at Gaston:
Bella Ruth from Norman Oklahoma: