This is Bella. She is 6 years old. Loves to cuddle with her brother, Koufax, a beagle, snorkel and be a 55lb lap dog. She’s our baby girl. Thanks, Owner Meagan
Zeke, short for Ezekiel. Is almost 8 years old and is the sweetest Basset. He is laid back but will spring to life when anyone comes to our door or when he is chasing the squirrels. Thanks owner Jenny!
Another Winston
This is Winston he is 10months old. He is very ornery and stubborn. He likes shoes,mail,glasses and cell phones. He has attempted for weeks to get 2 toys in his mouth as you see by this picture he finally…
Winston III
Winston, age 11. (On May 28th). He is obsessed with bread… any kind of bread. He whines all day for a slice ..or four. Thanks Christine!
Gracie Angel Banks
Gracie Angel Banks. About 2 months ago our dear Gracie took the journey across rainbow bridge. She was my wife’s best bud (& therapy dog). She has left a gap in our hearts that can never be filled. Thanks…
Pearl is our 3 year old baby. She is the sweetest basset. She loves to go for long walks and play with her sqeaky ball. She loves all people and some pups. She also LOVES to pose for pictures, mainly…
Gunner 3 year old…spoiled and he knows how to get what he wants. Thanks owner Bob!
Adorable Cletus
This Cletus. He’s very naughty, he’s adorable. He steals my slippers and then gets possessive with them Thanks owner Kellie for sending in Cletus!
Wonderful Walter
Walter sent in by Elizabeth Olivera Our Walter was a rescue..we were looking for an adult basset for quite some time..I saw his face on the Internet and said “he’s the one”. Walter belonged to a single older man ..the…
This is Seger (as in Bob)
Seger (like Bob) sent in by Kristy Myers